Depression and Friendship
Mental Health Tee Franklin Mental Health Tee Franklin

Depression and Friendship

That’s me, in a nutshell. “I’m fine.” “Everything’s great.” I keep up appearances without letting anyone know the proverbial shit has hit the fan and I’m down in the dumps. Those who legit know me, know this routine of mine and they call me on my BS.

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Guess Who’s a Published Writer Now???
Comics Tee Franklin Comics Tee Franklin

Guess Who’s a Published Writer Now???

I am currently doing the running man (in my mind)! I am beyond excited. I am a friggin published author and people will be reading my comic next month. I knew it was happening and even though it’s taken over […]

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Rants Tee Franklin Rants Tee Franklin

Do Better

It’s been seven days since my last tweet. When I pulled out my soapbox and said that I’m taking a break from social media, I should’ve said Twitter. Twitter is really the only place I post and definitely the only place where I have to defend myself against certain people.

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Current Mood:
Comics, Rants Tee Franklin Comics, Rants Tee Franklin

Current Mood:

The following blog post is full of fucks and lack of fucks at the same damn time…proceed with caution.

Now with that done, let’s get right into it shall we?

Ever went out of your way to help people, but all they did was step on your back and use you? Yeah…me neither. /end sarcasm

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