I Survived 2018…Barely
Mental Health, Life Tee Franklin Mental Health, Life Tee Franklin

I Survived 2018…Barely

Trigger Warning: Suicide

2018 was an extremely rough year. You wouldn’t think that it was with all the traveling I was doing, on top of my first book, Bingo Love, coming out. I should’ve been happy, I mean I was happy, but inside I was dead. It’s amazing what a fake smile can do.

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Traumaversaries Suck
Mental Health Tee Franklin Mental Health Tee Franklin

Traumaversaries Suck

Trigger Warning: death, childhood death, pregnancy loss, suicidal thoughts. It’s weird how your body will subconsciously tell you that something is off. The past two months have been weird — sleeping longer, angry, crying, and not caring about pretty much anything.

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Depression and Friendship
Mental Health Tee Franklin Mental Health Tee Franklin

Depression and Friendship

That’s me, in a nutshell. “I’m fine.” “Everything’s great.” I keep up appearances without letting anyone know the proverbial shit has hit the fan and I’m down in the dumps. Those who legit know me, know this routine of mine and they call me on my BS.

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