Guess Who’s a Published Writer Now???

I am currently doing the running man (in my mind)! I am beyond excited. I am a friggin published author and people will be reading my comic next month. I knew it was happening and even though it’s taken over a year for this to manifest, it seems so surreal. I’m holding my FIRST COMPS! IN MY HANDS. IT SMELLS SO GOOD!!! Not the books, the success; the books stink.

Nailbiter 27 cradles the backup for The Outfit: Artist: Juan Ferreyra, Editor: Gail Simone, Letterer: Taylor Esposito and written by me. Nailbiter 27 will be out December 7th.


Look at my name in print, man I am riding on one helluva high right now. Never in my life would I have ever thought that I would be writing comics. The “peer pressure” from fellow comic creators was so worth it.

Thank you time.

Joshua, you asking me mid interview if I wanted to write a story for Nailbiter changed my life. I know it took a minute for this story to come to fruition, but it’s here and I am so proud of it. I can not thank you enough for taking a chance on me and getting my foot in the door.

Mike, I know we don’t know each other at all like that, but I gotta say thank you for letting me tell my story in your amazing book.

Juan, thank you for saying YES!!! I wanted to work with you for a while, but the timing was never right. I am so glad that we were able to make this happen. Your art is fantastic, you brought my words to life and it’s simply unbelievably gorgeous. Your vision took this project to another level. I can not wait to work with you again.

Gail! GAIL! GAIL FRIGGIN SIMONE! Listen. I was a bit stressed when I was choosing which story to write and I turned to my fairy comics godmother, Gail, and she said to me that she’ll edit my story.


Yep, she said that she would edit my story and she did a bang up job. Gail gave me so much confidence, said that this story creeped her out and that’s exactly what I wanted to do. I love you so much Gail, I can’t thank you enough for being in my corner and fighting for me.

Taylor, dude, you’re so cool with everything. “Send it over, I got it.” few minutes later, I got it. If you need a letterer, I definitely recommend this guy.

This is so surreal guise, it really is. I can’t believe that I have been holding my story in my hands. Yep, I cried, they were manly tears tho. I can’t wait for you all to read it, I hope you preordered and enjoyed the story.

The Outfit will be in stores on December 7th.


Depression and Friendship


Do Better