NYCC 2017 Schedule

This is my first year at New York Comic Con and I’m extremely excited to be attending, what I didn’t know is when I applied to attend NYCC, I’d be super busy. SUPER. BUSY.

First off, here’s where you can find me when I’m NOT at a panel:

I’ll be at C1 and right next to me is Bingo Love editor and Charmed writer, Erica Schultz. If I’m not at a table, that means I’m doing a few things: at a meeting, taking a break or on a panel. Let’s take a look at these panels that I’m on shall we?


1:45 – Representation Matters! How to Respectfully Write and Draw POC and LGBTQIA Characters –1A05
6PM – The Wonder Women Behind LGBTQ Characters in Comics – 1A02

11:15 – #BlackComicsMonth: Diversity in Comics – 1A21
*possible panel will be added here, so check back for details!*

1:30 – Comics for Causes: Planned Parenthood & ComicMix – 1A02

12PM – Queers For Fears – Understanding LGBTQ Villiany and Who’s Doing it Right – 1A02

That’s a helluva lot of panels, innit? Sheesh. If you are a Bingo Love Kickstarter backer, please print out your levels so you can receive your Kickstarter goodies. Speaking of goodies, there will be EXCLUSIVE NYCC Bingo Love items and I’m sure they’ll be going fast, so make sure that you get them while you can!

See you Thursday!!!


Image Comics Picks Up Bingo Love


Disabled Comic Creators Exist, Dammit!