Bingo Love Wins Graphic Novel Diversity Award

The Virginia Library Association has blessed Bingo Love with their 2019 Graphic Novel Diversity Award in the Adult category!

The judges had amazing comments about Bingo Love that made my eyes tear up:

The judges said of the characters, Hazel and Mari, that “their experiences are portrayed with honesty and integrity,” and that “supporting characters are also relatable and multi-faceted. They take their own journeys, and grow and develop throughout the story.”

They complimented the artwork as “super bright and colorful, showcasing black characters we don’t get to see much in adult graphic novels,” and noted that the “visual diversity in the graphic novel is absolutely incredible. Each person of color is drawn differently to reflect their individuality. Various skin tones, hair styles, and body types are portrayed naturally, realistically, and respectfully.”

The judges praised Bingo Love for “giving visibility to characters to don’t often see. The main characters are black, gay seniors and those things just don’t get a lot of visibility in a world of white, young, mostly straight characters in comics and graphic novels.” Perhaps most importantly, they felt that “Bingo Love tells a heartbreaking and important story that is all too realistic. It is vital that such stories be told to help advocate for diversity, inclusivity, and acceptance, not just tolerance.”

I’ve always been extremely proud of Bingo Love and while there weren’t books like this when I was growing so that future generations can read and see themselves in this graphic novel.

Thank you to Jenn St-Onge (artist), Joy San (colorist), Erica Schultz (editor & letterer) for their fantastic work on Bingo Love! Thank you, as well, to the judges who voted for Bingo Love and, above all…

I want to thank each and every person who has picked up and spread the word about Bingo Love!

If you haven’t picked up Bingo Love yet, click here!


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