Bingo Love Reaches Over $57k!

It’s been about two weeks since the Bingo Love Kickstarter ended and I’m still in disbelief that people have invested in something I created. Seriously, my mind is blown.

I asked for $19,999 for Bingo Love and the grand pledge total was $57,148. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would happen. I canNOT thank you all for believing in this Black Queer romance novella. I owe you all so much and I promise to give a beautiful and real love story. These are the kind of stories that I believe are needed in the comic industry.

It’s been one helluva ride putting this Kickstarter together and keeping it afloat for 33 days. Right now, Jenn St-Onge is knocking out some pages of Bingo Love and then will be passed on to colorist Joy San, and finally to letterer, Cardinal Rae.

I would love to see Bingo Love translated in various languages and end up overseas. I’ve received a few offers from several publishers that want to pick up this Black Queer romance novella. I’m weighing all the options, but right now, my focus is putting together a gorgeous book and having all 1,950 backers satisfied.

If it wasn’t for the lot of you, there would be no Bingo Love or Inclusive Press. This is going to be one amazing journey and I can’t wait to see where this takes me. I’ve been using my imagination like Hazel, although my imagination doesn’t include doves and unicorns; I gotta work on that.

If for whatever reason you missed out on the Bingo Love Kickstarter, you can still PRE-ORDER Bingo Love here!!

Again, thank you all…for everything!


Disabled Comic Creators Exist, Dammit!


Bingo Love Proves that Diversity in Comics DOES Sell